Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Did you get everything you wanted to get for Christmas? Yes, I am saying Merry Christmas because its what it is. And also any other Holidays you may celebrate, just say them. Forget Happy Holidays.

All I really want is for my family to be happy and healthy. And whatever God has saved for me. I'm thankful for being able to pay my bills, have a job, a car, and breathe. Apart from that there's still one thing I'm praying for.

The book is coming along, I have written about 13 chapters. There's a lot of moving parts and I have been stalling. But it was a lifetime personal goal I had made for years now. I just never thought it would be coming into fruition. I'll post an excerpt on Christmas.

The makeup is still there, the passion still lives but I need inspiration to move forward. I'm have been a little uninspired from being in this environment. But I know it will pick up again soon.


  1. it will come again. sometimes we need to hibernate to reignite the sparks. so glad you are writing, its one of my goals too so its inspiring to see you are doing it. much blessings and love during the holidays!!
